Beyond the hairball!

Posted on Fri 28 July 2023 in update • Tagged with podcast, hairball, senior, cats

Oshi Cairns

Beyond the Hairball – When is Vomiting a Problem?

f you have cat (or two), you’ve no doubt stepped in something squishy in the middle of the night. Or you’ve ran a sprint trying to get your cat onto the floor as he is preparing to cough one up …

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Does Your Cat have Pandora Syndrome

Posted on Mon 17 July 2023 in update • Tagged with podcast, wellness, pandora syndrome, cats

Oshi Cairns

Cats that are prone to being high strung often suffer from Pandora Syndrome, take longer to recover, and tend to get re-afflicted with urinary issues over and over again. Join Linda and Rita as Dr. Kelly tells them about Pandora Syndrome, and how you can best help those anxious cats …

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May is Parasite Prevention Month

Posted on Thu 11 May 2023 in update • Tagged with podcast, parasites, prevention, cats

Oshi Cairns

Let’s talk about Parasite Prevention. Our favorite veterinarian, Dr. Kelly Cairns, is with us to talk about the importance of prevention, even for cats. What kind of parasites might plague our cats? Fleas, Ticks, Tapeworms, Ringworms, Ear Mites, and also Heartworm. Linda and Rita did not know that cats …

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Senior Cats and Arthritis

Posted on Fri 05 May 2023 in update • Tagged with podcast, arthritis, senior, cats

Oshi Cairns

One of the biggest issues for cat parents is getting that yearly wellness check for our felines. Since cats are masters at hiding illness, it’s more important to get them seen each year. Twice a year is recommended for senior cats. Dr. Kelly will tell us why this is …

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Happy Kitty, Healthy Kitty

Posted on Tue 28 February 2023 in update • Tagged with podcast, wellness, prevention, senior, cats

Oshi Cairns

One of the biggest issues for cat parents is getting that yearly wellness check for our felines. Since cats are masters at hiding illness, it’s more important to get them seen each year. Twice a year is recommended for senior cats. Dr. Kelly will tell us why this is …

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one size does not fit all

Posted on Mon 22 August 2022 in coaching • Tagged with podcast, wellness, dvm360

This podcast discusses how adaptable mentorship can help both new graduates and seasoned professionals thrive in veterinary medicine.

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Talking Diabetes Mellitus with Dr. Kelly Cairns

Posted on Wed 01 July 2020 in update • Tagged with health, diabetes, podcast


In this episode, host Dr. Mondrian Contreras joins his colleagues, Dr. Elaine McCarthy, Dr. Kyle Marano, and Vet Tech Tim Hayes, to break down the top animal-related news. Dr. Contreras also interviews Dr. Kelly Cairns, the National Director of Internal Medicine, Chair of the Pathway Specialty Director Board and Director …

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